Shadows, Shells and Spain – A Book Review

Shadows, Shells and Spain – A Book Review

Shadows, Shells and Spain: a fictional travel memoir about the Camino de Santiago by John Meyer. Toronto: Summer Nomad Publications, 2017. John Meyer’s latest book is a mixture of genres that uses the Camino de Santiago as a vehicle to carry the story. It is part...

Camino de Invierno a Santiago

The “Winter” Route The Camino de Invierno is a way marked alternative to the Camino Frances route to Santiago.Beginning in Ponferrada, it follows riverbanks, climbs mountains, and passes through wilderness, farmlands, and small towns of the Bierzo region of León and...

Camino by Peter Coffman

A Book Review In 2004, two men took a walk from Entraygues-sur-Truyère about a weeks walk from le Puy-en-Velay, France to Santiago de Compostela, Spain. The musician took his violin, the photographer took his camera and they each took their partner/wife. In...

2016 Pilgrim Statistics

During 2016, 277,913 pilgrims received Compostela’s in Santiago, this is up from 262,458 during 2015. 2016 was also a special Holy Year, The Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy which started from December 8, 2015, through to the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, on...