Call for Nominations
and Expressions of Interest

Invitation for Expressions of Interest to serve on the CCoP Board of Directors

There are many paths to giving back to the Camino, such as serving as a chapter volunteer or as a hospitalero/a. Here’s another way:

Serving on the Canadian Company of Pilgrims (CCoP) national Board of Directors.

We are seeking qualified and capable members (or pilgrims willing to become members) to step forward to fill up to two anticipated vacant Board positions coming open in February 2025. Each term is for three years.

Nominations are open from September 3rd until October 21st, 2024.

We are looking for individuals who have experienced the Camino as pilgrims and have been involved in local chapter activities or served as hospitaleros, and who believe in and want to actively sustain the CCoP’s mission of sharing our love of the Camino de Santiago.

More details, including information about the specific requirements for being a CCoP Director, can be found in the application form (PDF).

The CCoP is overseen by a Board of 13 volunteer members from across the country. Board meetings are held 10 times a year by Zoom. Each meeting lasts for 1½ to 2 hours and there will be further expectations for involvement on Board working committees, and potentially as officers.

Candidates will be voted on at the Annual General Meeting in February or March 2025. A link to the CCoP bylaws (PDF) is provided for your convenience.

If you support our Mission to share our love of the Camino, inspiring and enabling others on their Way, and our Vision of a vibrant, engaged and inclusive Camino community, please consider sharing your skills as a Director of CCoP.

Our committee would welcome your comments or questions, and most especially your application. You may either complete the form on your computer, or print it and fill it in by hand. Then please email it, with your resume and any questions you may have, to

Lea Pennock
Chair, Nominations Committee
The Canadian Company of Pilgrims
Serving Canadian Pilgrims and the Camino de Santiago since 1994

Canadian Company of Pilgrims